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Tribute and Memorial Gifts

Honor a loved one’s special memory by partnering with LSS to create a better world by serving those in need.

Tribute Gifts

Tribute gifts are a meaningful way to honor, celebrate or remember someone special while helping others in need. Your gift to Lutheran Social Services will be a lasting tribute and will make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Tribute gifts can be made to LSS or any of our LSS Network of Hope programs. Consider these reasons to make a tribute gift:  

  • Celebrate and honor a special person in your life.
  • Memorialize a loved one who has passed. 
  • Celebrate an anniversary.
  • Recognize a special birthday.

Donate today and be sure to select Dedication Type and provide the name of the person you are honoring. You will be able to notify a recipient of your dedication and include a personal message. 

You may also mail your tribute gift to:  
Lutheran Social Services 
1105 Schrock Rd. Ste. 100 
Columbus, OH 43229 

Be sure to include the name of the person you are honoring, reason and notification instructions.  


Memorial Gifts

We are honored when a family names Lutheran Social Services or one of our LSS Network of Hope programs as the beneficiary of memorial gifts “in lieu of flowers” in an obituary or at a memorial service. They are not only paying tribute to their loved one in a special way, but they are also making a lasting impact in our community by helping our neighbors in need find safety, healing and hope at LSS. 

To help you honor the memory of your loved one through memorial gifts to LSS, we offer:  

  • Prayer:  We collect prayer requests from donors, staff, clients and others to share with our prayer team that lifts up their needs to the Lord. If you want to request prayer, please let us know in the form below.

  • Memorial Gift Tracking:  When you notify us about your memorial gift plans, we can collect and share the names and addresses of donors who mention your loved one in their gift. Please use the form below to share your information.

"*" indicates required fields

Who are gifts being made in memory of?*
To what program would you like the memorial gifts directed?
Would you like us to follow up with you regarding who notified us that their gift was in honor of your loved one? (Donation amounts will not be shared due to donor privacy.)

If you have any questions as you consider memorial gifts to LSS, please contact us.

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