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Our Financials

At LSS, we believe in responsible stewardship of the funds entrusted to us. We strive to serve the most people in need while running an organization based on sound business practices. 

Annual Reports

Tax Information and 990s

The pro forma 990 combines, or consolidates, the entire Lutheran Social Services agency, which is made up of many legal entities. Combined 990’s are not permitted by the IRS.  Accordingly, we file a 990 for each legal entity, including LSS Faith Mission, LSS Kensington Place, each LSS Affordable Housing community, etc. Some legal entities, however, do not have to file a 990.  Lutheran Social Services, the parent company, has been determined an integrated auxiliary of a church and met the support tests for exemption. Therefore, the individual 990s that are filed don’t add up to the whole agency either. To show what the 990 would look like if we were one legal entity and required to file a return, we create a “for the sake of form,” or pro forma, 990 that isn’t filed with the IRS.


FY23 LSS Consolidated Form 990

FY22 LSS Consolidated Form 990
FY21 LSS Consolidated Form 990
FY20 LSS Consolidated Form 990
FY19 LSS Consolidated Form 990
FY18 LSS Consolidated Form 990

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