About Us
We are a faith-based, health and human services organization that provides housing, health care and emergency assistance to thousands of people every day with programs that serve the whole person and respond to some of our community’s most serious challenges.
Founded in 1912, LSS is one of Central Ohio’s largest nonprofits and takes a leadership role in responding to the challenges that face people experiencing poverty and/or homelessness, seniors, and victims/survivors of domestic violence. Driven by faith, we continue our mission of creating a better world by serving people in need by responding to our community’s evolving unmet needs with dignity and respect while providing compassionate, professional care.
Awards & Memberships

Our Values
As a faith-based organization, we follow the Bible’s teaching to love your neighbor as yourself. We offer programs and services that assist people in need with an approach centered on kindness and understanding.
We approach our work by being honest, clear and responsible with the assets entrusted to us.
LSS values the uniqueness of all people. We strive to ensure everyone we interact with feels cared for, valued, respected and are accepted for who they are.
We never forget that our purpose is to improve the lives of those we serve. We approach our work with resilience, recognize our role as a leader and focus on delivering quality results.
Serving the whole person
People come to the programs that make up the LSS Network of Hope for housing, health care, or emergency assistance. Their challenges are often complex and interrelated.
Recognizing the interconnected challenges and building off their strengths, we serve them holistically.
To understand and respond to the whole person, we use a widely researched framework, the Social Influences of Health.
LSS Legacy Timeline
Meeting the needs of Ohioans for over 100 years.

Lutheran Inner Mission League founded.

Incorporated to “carry on general charitable and religious work and maintain a hospice” as a residence for young Christian women.

A six room house at 148 S. Belle St. was opened as League headquarters and a settlement house.

Builds and moves its operations to 106 S. Gift St. in downtown Columbus. The building becomes known as the Lutheran Evangelistic Center.

Establish feeding program.

Name changed to Lutheran Welfare League of Central Ohio.

A thrift store opens at 209 S. Broad St in Lancaster.

Lutheran Senior City (later known as Lutheran Village of Columbus) dedicated.

Adoption services begin.

Name changed to Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio.

The first black adoption program in Ohio, Black Adoptions Services, was started.

The Fairfield County Emergency Shelter opens in Lancaster.

The first LSS affordable housing community, Stone House Place in Bridgeport, Ohio, opens.

Kensington Place is dedicated.

The Good Shepherd Rehabilitation and Healthcare Campus in Ashland joins Lutheran Social Services.

Disaster Response services are offered. Faith Mission becomes a part of Lutheran Social Services.

The Faith Mission Resource Center and Clinic are opened as well as Lutheran Village of Ashland.

Faith Mission on 8th Avenue opens.

The first mobile food pantry in Ironton starts.

LSS Home Health Care launches.

CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence joins Lutheran Social Services.

Lutheran Social Services updates logo and incorporates LSS Network of Hope.

LSS Food Pantries transitions to online ordering and increases mobile distribution.

HandsOn Central Ohio joins Lutheran Social Services and becomes LSS 211 Central Ohio.